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Red Raspberry leaf tea fertility

Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, spp) is one of the most well known and most loved fruits in the world, but in the herbal and midwifery world its leaves are also a dearly treasured herbal remedy for women of childbearing age. Raspberry Leaf is most popular as a tonic for pregnancy and labor, but it is also excellent as a nutritive and tonic in preparation for pregnancy. It is one of the main herbs that is considered safe (in most cases) to use during pregnancy in preparation for labor. But why wait until you are pregnant to reap the benefits of this wonderful leaf?

Red Raspberry leaf is also sold as a tincture (liquid drops) and tablets. Please follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage for the product you have purchased.

*Slight Caution: The following information is based on my personal experiences as a practitioner. In a couple of clients I have worked with, with a history of recurrent miscarriage due to an “irritable” or “weak” uterus, I suggest that it may be best to use red raspberry for pregnancy preparation (3-6 months prior to trying to conceive) and avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy. The effect of this herb on the uterus appears to be too much for some women. It is fine to start drinking it again in the 2nd trimester, once pregnancy is established.

Simple At Home Infusion Preparations

Nutritive Pregnancy Preparation Tonic
This tea is a wonderful mild uterine tonic, digestive tonic and gently supports liver health.

2 part Red Raspberry leaves
1 part Nettles
1 part Dandelion Leaf
½ part Oatstraw
½ part Peppermint

Super Yummy C
This infusion is high in Vit. C has a beautiful pink color and is delicious. Steep this tea for at least 30 minutes; rose hips take longer to steep.

1 part Red Raspberry leaves
1 part Rose Hips
¼ part Hibiscus flower

Super Green
This is an easy way to get a daily dose of greens! Steep this tea for 3-4 hours before drinking.

2 parts Red Raspberry Leaf
1 part Nettles
1 part Alfalfa leaf

Source: natural-fertility-info.com
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