Revolutionary War Causes by

Boston Tea Party images

No taxation without representation!

Don't buy British!

Give me liberty, or give me death!

These were the anti-tax, anti-British cries from Bostonians as a fleet of British warships anchored in Boston Harbor in 1768. British cannons pointed toward the city. British soldiers pitched their tents on Boston Common. Tensions grew, and 18 months later 5 Bostonians would die in the Boston Massacre (and Paul would engrave his famous poster).

In the face of the growing anger of the colonists, Britain backed down. They repealed all of their taxes except the tax on tea. They sailed their warships out of Boston Harbor.

But the colonists continued to protest the tax on tea.

December 16, 1773, a group of colonists, including Paul Revere, dressed as Indians and boarded 3 tea ships in Boston Harbor. They threw 340 chests of tea overboard. This event became known as...

The Boston Tea Party

The British moved quickly to punish this act of defiance. In May, 1774, they sailed their gunboats back into the harbor and prepared to close off the entire port.

Pay for the ruined tea, the king told Boston, or starve.

What The Boston Tea Party Was Really About
What The Boston Tea Party Was Really About
Boston Tea Party And Intolerable Acts
Boston Tea Party And Intolerable Acts
Causes of the Boston Tea Party
Causes of the Boston Tea Party
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