Green Tea Side Effects and Who

Matcha green tea side effects

This stuff just works. To a guy with slighter reoccuring axniety, Matcha Green Tea Powder is the salvation! It gives me a calm for almost any situation but unlike most other stuff that calms you down, this has no negative effect on my ability to focus for example – rather the opposite. It is like everyone says “soothing without the drowsiness” and it’s simply the best way to describe it. Even with the second best purity or quality of this stuff, it just works!
If you wish to find out where I buy Matcha Green Tea Powder simply click the link below or keep reading for the full matcha green tea review and more information about benefits and side effects of matcha green tea!

It took me a while to find a good Matcha Green Tea as it turns out there is a range of quality and purity of matcha green tea powder. Needless to say, you get what you pay for. For this review I actually bought it in a real tea shop where they were very helpful and explained the different variants to me. Read more about the different purities and how you preper matcha green tea further down on this page. The one I bought was quite expensive but I later found out that a similar brand with the same quality and purity grade could be bought online much cheaper at and it’s working just as well! So now I buy green tea powder online there.

Energizing In A Calm Manner

So, the promoters of matcha green tea are often expressing its effects or benefits as soothing or calming without drowsiness and I think that is the best way of putting it. This is one of the products I tried that had the fastest effects. For me it was enough once every morning. I started by taking the recommended amount, one teaspoons in a cup of hot water, for about one week, then I increased the dosage to two spoons, then back to one. This is enough, I wanted to see what happened with an increase in dosage, two teaspoons gives a slightly stronger effect, but a headache as well. Be sure to check what dosage is recommended by the company from which you buy matcha green tea powder, ast this may vary.

green tea meditation One cup of this stuff every morning and I am able to stay calm but still focused throughout the day and I completely stopped drinking coffee. I think that is the biggest change, before I had to have coffee several times a day to be able to keep staying focused, when studying for example, but with the side effects of slight anxiety and shakiness.

The difference from or the pollen products ( and ), is that this gets to my head more, the others are more energizing the body.

Having reoccurring, slighter anxiety, this has really helped me. Again, soothing effect without the drowsiness is really the best way to explain it. This is definitely something that will have a noticeable effect on you and if you are looking for something for your anxiety, I also want to recommend . A fair warning though, once you stop taking matcha, you may experience a slight dip and maybe some headache.

Does Matcha Green Tea Powder Have Any Downsides?

The first time I took Matcha Green Tea Powder was in the evening, hoping I could use it as a mean to sleep better when in a bad sleep cycle. I noticed quite quickly this is not the best way to utilize this product as it turns out it contains some caffeine so naturally this made it hard for me to sleep. Also, headaches may occur if taking too much and I really advice taking the dosage recommended by the providing company, as this varies and depends on the quality and where you buy matcha green tea powder. I will also recommend anyone who wants to try this and any other new supplement to ask their doctor’s advice.

That is the only side effect I experienced, but there ARE documented side effects not to be taken lightly, keep reading at the bottom of this page to learn more about this.

The Verdict

I really recommend this. It’s very potent, in many aspects, so try it. Now, I am going with the purest versions of this tea in the future, I noticed it’s actually quite different from the cheaper ones. But if money is an issue, maybe try one of the less pure products first. Because even though it is cheaper online, the price per gram is quite high and taste-wise, the difference isn’t that big!

If you are looking for something even stronger, you are going to have to move out of the natural area and consider . For effects similar to matcha green tea powder I can recommend you .

A question we get asked a lot is: where can you buy matcha green tea powder? Well, I buy Matcha Green Tea Powder online at and this is a really nice website with good quality products and the prices are good! The delivery time actually varies a bit, it can take anywhere between a couple of days to a week, depending on where you live, they claim they are mostly shipping within 2 business days and I found this to be true most of the time. They have high quality products and in my opinion, the best brands on the markets.

Matcha, the finely milled green tea powder is the current household name in the tea world. It has recently gained a lot of popularity not only because of its distinct flavor but also because of its many health benefits. Literally, matcha means powdered tea’ and it is a stable ingredient that has been used for centuries during the traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.

How is Matcha Green Tea Prepared?

The powdered tea is made from the Japanese tea leaves that are grown almost exclusively in the shade (so as to increase the chlorophyll content). The leaves are handpicked, and then briefly steamed (to stop fermentation), dried and finally stone-ground/milled into fine green powder. This powder is then sifted & whisked with hot water.

Brief History

The most popular matcha leave-growing regions are in the southern half of Japan (Uji, Shizuoka, Nishio & Kyushu) and this is where the best matcha comes from. This is despite the fact that the practice of grinding tea leaves into fine powder and then whisking in hot water first originated in China (around 10th century).

Matcha has been in use for more than a thousand years in Chinese traditional medicine due to its healing & immune boosting properties.

In general, there are four major groups of quality of Green Tea Matcha Powder but these groups vary a bit depending on where you buy matcha green tea powder. But the two most impure variants are mostly recommended for putting in food or mixing up with other ingredients, like making a smoothie out of it, or putting it in a sauce. These two variants include Gotcha Matcha and Dakota Matcha.

The next level of purity is used for drinking on its own. These include Morning Matcha and Kama Matcha and are naturally the most expensive ones. Kama Matcha is the most exclusive variant and a so called ceremony grade of Matcha. You can distinguish the different qualities by looking at the shade of green they are presenting. The Kama Matcha is normally very clear green, whilst the lower in quality it gets, the more brownish/grayish.

Possible Side Effects of Green Tea
Possible Side Effects of Green Tea
Green Tea Has Side Effects
Green Tea Has Side Effects
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