Spring has sprung!

Coffee Tea Books and Me

It feels more like early March here than April. We have had light snow off and on and more possible this evening. I feel like I live in Michigan again! There was one year we walked back from the Tulip Time Parade with snow flurries gently falling. Very pretty but by that time in April, not amusing.

Thanks for the comment letting me know the error in the "I'm Back" post. Perhaps I've been hanging around books too long? I said the hackers knew our ISBN number and you may know... ISBN numbers have to do with books. ISP numbers are all about computers. Sheesh. (Insert embarrassed emoji). But it did make me laugh at myself and laughter is always good. ;)

I do apologize for the person (in India) who took offense at me saying the hackers were from Mumbai. It is cultural humor. So many of the American companies have customer service reps that are located in Mumbai! So we associate India and computers.

Actually, my husband thinks they had more a North African accent but he has learned his lesson and will let no one have access to the computer. He is also being more careful about clicking on email links... that is a good thing. But then again it did cost him money so he will always remember that pain!

Source: coffeeteabooksandme.blogspot.com
You and Me Coffee and Tea - Mobile Brew Bar
You and Me Coffee and Tea - Mobile Brew Bar
You and Me Coffee and Tea - The Meadowlarks - The Fall
You and Me Coffee and Tea - The Meadowlarks - The Fall
Hannah Curtis @ Coffee Tea and Me 002
Hannah Curtis @ Coffee Tea and Me 002
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